var body = document.body; body.className += " u-body u-xl-mode"; += " "; var dataBg = ''; if (dataBg) { body.setAttribute('data-bg', dataBg); } Welcometo h.α.a. Conferences, webinars, scholarships, newsletter Previous Next Purpose of the Company It is the development and promotion of the subject of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Sports Injuries at a Clinical, Educational and Research level. read more Previous Next Conferences Webinars Scholarships Newsletter Newsletter Announcements 10ο ARTHROSCOPY CONGRESS 10ο ARTHROSCOPY CONGRESS Knee cadaveric worskhop Knee cadaveric worskhop Greek Arthroscopy Society Webinar 17… Greek Arthroscopy Society Webinar 17 Feb 2022 9th ARTHROSCOPY CONGRESS 9th ARTHROSCOPY CONGRESS Focus Meeting is postponed to… Focus Meeting is postponed to October 2021 Follow us 181